eLanka UK | Jesus belongs to everyone-by Gwen Heart


What does Good Friday mean to us Christians?

It is not only a day of repentance, but of accepting Jesus as our Saviour as we become the Church, the world and are His tenants. One of the most fundamental spiritual acceptance we owe Him are tenants, entrusted with responsibility and dedication the belief that our live are not about us but about our faith in Him.

Jesus Christ is God’s judgment. We are all are under his judgment.

How many times have I said it and how many times have I meant it? I get that piercing rip through my heart when I look into thy loving, compassionate eyes, but what have I done for thee. Nothing at all. But Jesus you know I love you with my heart and soul. Everything climaxes ultimately to Good Friday that finally you redeemed us all. There is no one Christian who would have passed a day and for that matter, a moment without repenting this Lent season but that is insufficient. It has to come from the heart and be a commitment to Jesus. Many of us feel the tears rolling down, sighs escaping and pierced by guilt but remain mortals. That’s we are. When the week of agony passes away and Jesus Christ ascends, we all forget our spiritual pledges

And continue our sinful lives forgetting how great he is.

Therefore, we cannot live without Jesus for wholeness of life that many non-Christians have come to recognized in our Lord, especially because of his crucifixion and the way he sacrificed to redeem the world not only those who believed in him but all non-believers.

Good Friday is not only for us but for the whole world, every individual every nation up in arms against each other, Jesus belongs to everyone, even to Pilate who sentenced him to death and Herod who found Jesus innocent against charges leveled against him. Even upon the cross, he forgave the thief who trusted him and repented. Such was the undying love for all. The Bible speaks of the nine fold fruit of the Holy Spirit (Gal. 5:22). It refers to the character of Jesus. Remember, it is the fruit and not fruits. It is an integrated whole. It is one multiple fruit and it is the Holy Spirit who produces Christ character in us. Jesus vanquished death and rose again to fulfill his Father’s promise to release the bondage that Satan holds over us, His children.

Jesus knew his time had come for the mission to be completed and obeys his Father in heaven. He knew by now everything was completed and in order to the scriptures to come true. He said ‘I am thirsty’. H was given a bowl of cheap wine. Jesus drank the wine and said ‘It is finished’. Then he bowed his head and died. It was Friday. An army officer who saw what happened, praised God. Saying ‘Certainly, he was a good man’.

Earlier, Jesus was put through immense suffering carrying the heavy cross up the hill by the soldiers who had no mercy on him. It was about twelve o’clock when the sun stopped shining and darkness covered the whole country until three o’clock and the curtains hanging in the Temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split apart, the graves broke open and many of God’s people had died were raised to life. It was amazing.

They left the graves and after Jesus rose from death, they went into the Holy City where many people saw them. The soldiers, who were watching Jesus, saw the earthquakes and everything else that happened and were terrified.

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