With all the trouble & strife (& I don’t mean wife), that is going on at the moment, there comes a time when we have to take a break and listen to this very unusual song, written by this very unusual guy, with a glint in his eye.

          This was quite possibly his debut on television, nobody seemed to know him, the judges did not have an inkling about the song he was about to sing.

I have been writing songs for over 60 years, myself (over a hundred to date),

but never dreamed about writing one like this. I now wish that I had. 

Without going into further details, I would now like to introduce this new/old Songwriter to all eLanka readers, courtesy of Elliston Scovell

who sent it to me, in the first place.

Please listen to the lyrics of this song very carefully, and if you are not lying on the floor with laughter, you will probably be lying in a box, waiting for that long black limousine to take you to your final resting place, I promise you. Thank you, Elliston.

Desmond Kelly

          Desmond Kelly.
(Editor-in-Chief) eLanka.

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