eLanka UK | eLanka | St Peter’s College OBU Sydney AGM



St Peter’s College OBU Sydney held it’s AGM on Sunday the 21st of March, after having to reschedule it from last year due to the pandemic.  Despite the current bad weather prevailing in NSW, we had a great turnout of members.

The Following were re-elected:

President: Shehan Vilathgamuwa

Vice President: Nishantha Perera

Treasurer: Ravin Panambalana

Secretary: Gus Shiran Viswasam

Sports Co-ordinator: Shane Fernando

Digital Media: Jude Chelvaratnam

Social Secretary: Niresh Wijesiri

Editor: Denver Mottau

Membership Secretary: Senani Gunasekera

Auditor : Aubrey Joachim

Here are a few photos from the AGM.

St Peter's College OBU Sydney AGM

Source: Gus Shiran Viswasam Facebook


St Peter's College OBU Sydney AGM

St Peter's College OBU Sydney AGM

St Peter's College OBU Sydney AGM

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