eLanka UK | eLanka | Josephines’ Wild West Nite a definite winter warmer: Story: Marie Pietersz



Pics: courtesy well-wishers

Outside was a freezingly cold Melbourne mid-winter’s night on 22nd June, but inside the Good Shepherd Hall, Mulgrave, the warmth, sights and ambience greeting you thawed you out like it was summer. It was an atmosphere that lifted one’s spirits as it usually does at the Josephines’ theme nights, always well supported not only by numbers in attendance but also the extent to which the former pupils and guests ‘dress up’.

Cowgirls and cowboys in such an array of country and western clothing and accessories paraded around, comparing outfits and engaging in greetings and small talk. The décor was elaborate and beautiful – typically Texas/Mexican in design and painstakingly hand-made by Judy Fernando.

DJ Damian struck up the music on the dot and as usual Delreen Cramer, the MC, was up to her pranks, wielding her cowboy whip and calling everybody to attention to listen to the order of the night.

The floor was packed with dancers from start to finish, showing off their dancing styles and ‘Annie Get Your Gun’ actions portraying sharp-shooter Annie Oakley from the American western movie of the same name. There was even a horse mask outfit to complete the full western theme.

Speeches didn’t take up the night, with President Dani Gunatilake’s presentation short and to the point, yet making all the necessary announcements about what the funds collected here had achieved for the school, in particular the expenses required for security measures in the climate of recent unrest in Sri Lanka.

Dinner was not a long-drawn-out affair either, with a well-timed schedule run by the MC, following Grace Before Meals said by Deanna Daniels. Dinner by Des and Judy Foulstone of Silverline Caterers was a definite crowd pleaser; and then guests were ready to rage on after the sumptuous buffet.

Always a highlight was the crowning of the best dressed male and female in keeping with the theme, won by Dion Holsinger and Catherine Brown.

A new and well accepted part of the entertainment was the country line dancing demonstration by the AusLine dancing trio, Marie Pietersz, and Cherryl (former pupil) and Earle Serpanchy. The line dancing teaches that followed had a staggering number of guests up and ready to take part. Two dances were learnt much to the enthusiasm of the guests and well executed by them also.

Prizes from donors were generous and the raffle well supported.

The whole dance package was well balanced from music to dinner to entertainment to ambience, and tickets well priced. A great act to follow and a credit to the committee of 2019 comprising:

Executive Committee 
President – Danielle Gunatilake 
Vice President- Deanna Daniels 
Secretary- Suzette De La Motte
Treasurer – Pauline Walles

General Committee
Christine Silva 
Delreen Cramer 
Desiree Van Estrop 
Judy Fernando 
Maureen Wendt 
Romayne Ephraums 
Suzie Young

Can’t wait to see what the next theme will be. Mark your calendars and be part of it when it comes around again. Josephines’ dances are recommended as a great night out.



















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