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Where we went wrong and the possible course correction-by S. Skandakumar

Where we went wrong and the possible course correction-by S. Skandakumar Source:Island Speech before Rotary Club of Colombo Port City by S. Skandakumar former High Commissioner to Australia and Chirman of George Steuart and Co. Ltd. Mr President, let me congratulate you and all members on the inauguration of Rotary Club of Colombo Port City and wish you every success in your noble endeavours ! I was born barely two weeks before Independance and like some of you listening in, lived through it all in my land of birth. What has transpired over those 73 years is common knowledge so let me share why I love my country as I do. At a very young age in a geography class I looked at the world map to see where our country was positioned. I marvelled at the sheer beauty of its outline and location, unmatched by any other country or continent on that map. I reflected on its priceless resources as tea,rubber,coconut, and cinnamon, graphite and gems, and our climate,…

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