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eLanka UK | eLanka | Never give up, keep on trying

Imran Khan


Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan reminisced about his very colorful career as a cricketer turned successful politician made an excellent speech at the luncheon meeting held in honour of him in CBO during his short stay.

I strongly believe when you analyze the message he specially gave to the younger generation (sportsmen and women) it carried a huge message to face challenges in life.

Since, it has come from a brilliant personality with an excellent education background, very high family pedigree with an outstanding sports achievement and oratory excellence that had the most effective ingredient of getting the message across to the audience.

The example he quoted had immense value as every word he spoke is with his experience and challenges he faced on the field of sports, politics and day-to-day life.

He had all the qualifications to speak, as he has personally experienced and overcome all the challenges to be the Prime Minister of a country where you need huge commitment as a political leader.

He stated that if you get demoralised not to give up, identify the mistakes and learn from the same to turn every defeat to victory with the correct attitude and determination with absolute confidence.

He was very correct when he said that you should believe in yourself and resistance will make you stronger to face any challenge that you have to encounter. At no stage do you give up on your hopes, as down the line you are bound to bounce back, if you are determined to get to the target.

Do not think someone is superior to you. Always have faith in your ability.

There is immense intelligence and knowledge in each individual. That most have not thought of or identified. Self belief is a thing that will produce positive results. Finally, his speech needs careful analysis and should get that across to the younger generation in our country in a very effective manner. I’m sure that will produce results.

The message is ‘believe in yourself.’ His speech is definitely based on the NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) system which is a very effective mode of transmission.

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