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eLanka | Ode to St. Thomas’ College

Source:Thomiana – S. Thomas’ College Old Boys Association Australia OBA Melbourne – Newsletter – May 2021

Great Mother of stalwart Thomians dear, we hail you with joyous Birthday greetings and wish you many years of success great.
Old Time has not marred your beauteous looks with tell-tale lines that baffle Loreal’s skills.
Strong and agile, you defy the local GP’s fears, as you in sport, sprightly triumph, winning coveted trophies, creating records, the price and joy of alumni everywhere.
Darling of Bishop Chapman, pioneer great who with consecrated, learned scholars dear, fostered values he learnt at hoary Eton. “Esto perpetua,” motto from his school: Was it a longing nostalgic, loving wish or a Classical scholar’s imperative?

We know not – but it did gently mould and help you thro’ the years, blossom out, excelling many a school in every way. Mens sana in corpore sano: you gave a healthy mind and body to your sons – robust faith, grit and high ideals, true comradeship, undying loyalty to one another and to you, dear Ma.

Men of learning with the ample brow, dedicated savants, great and humble, put to flight ignorance, darkness, fear. Working faithfully, year in, year out, they gave their best to your lively boys, who breathed the exhilarating Thomian air, to live nobly, selflessly, fearlessly, creating communities, where Truth, Justice, Liberty, Shalom abide, flourish.

Long may you live, Queen of learning, an inspiration to our island nation, ever abounding in sincere teachers,
who by word, example, guide, direct Youth, to speak boldly, courageously of the Summus Bonus* – the Eternal God, universe’s Prime Cause, the Big Bang.
*highest good
The Rev. John Selvaratnam
Warden 1965-1969

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