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eLanka | International Women’s Day Celebration at Swathi Women’s Inspiration Group


Swathi is a vibrant not-for-profit women’s inspirational group based in Sydney. Over the past 10 years, they have been focusing on inspiring, developing and empowering women to become strong, happy and content individuals with greater balance in their lives. They believe that “A happy woman creates a happy family which translates into a happy world.” 

In commemorating International Women’s Day (IWD), each year Swathi organises a forum on a topic related to the theme of the IWD. This year they held a virtual forum on Sunday 11 April. Aligned to the IWD campaign theme #ChooseToChallenge, they focused on Self-Care. The goal of this year’s event was to drive home the importance, necessity, and benefits of self-care for women and challenge their members to find the motivation to embrace self-care.

Some of the notable guests at the event were Uma Panch – Mindset Transformation Coach who was the Keynote speaker and facilitated the Self-Care webinar. Dipti Zachariah, an emerging thought leader and community development professional with Western Sydney Local Health District’s (WSLHD) Multicultural Health Services shared her personal travel on Self-care Challenge. One of the Swathi members, Dushy Ptchumani conducted a 3-minute Mindfulness Meditation.

Uma discussed the importance of self-care for our physical, psychological, and social wellbeing and shared the best and easiest ways to incorporate self-care practices into our daily routine. 

The engagement level was incredible, and the participants learnt some essential ways to take care of themselves. All participants received a self-reflective worksheet, a highly insightful Self-Care eBook, and three winners were selected for a Self-Discovery Session with Uma. The event was concluded with a Well-Being Boosting Dance along with some activities by members Ponni Veerakumar and Arulchelvi Lingam.  

“Self-care is never a selfish act—it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer to others.” – Parker Palmer

Do you agree that self-care is an act of self-love? If yes, comment below, and share your self-care ritual.”

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