A home-grown solution to energy and waste management – By Mohomad Firdhous Rasheed Source : dailymirror  He had been self-learning about waste management while working abroad as part of his personal interest as an environmentalist Having acquired knowledge of waste management and biogas generation, he designed his biogas generation plant.  A resident ...

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Prophetic words? – By Rajpal Abeynayake Should war be possible in the internet age? It’s a question that would have been asked in the 90s when internet was a nascent phenomenon. The science fiction take just before that was that someday soon there would be worldwide connectivity, and this would ...

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Family is the first essential cell of human society Source : dailymirror   Families stay together if they regularly pray or meditate together. This is a hallowed philosophy that goes a long way to show that good families make good societies and countries. We need to see unity in diversity in ...

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Khemadasa’s daughter arranges choral musical in British church – by Sujeeva Nivunhella reporting from London Source : island Award-winning music composer Gayathri Khemadasa, the daughter of the renowned Premasiri Khemadasa, is arranging the music for “A Song for Eve,” by Scottish poet Anne Hunter, for Haydn’s ‘Creation’. This rendition will be ...

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Increased wages in estate sector Provide legal support to workers: President tells officials – By L. P. Suranga and Dinuli Francisco Source : sundayobserver President Ranil Wickremesinghe has directed key officials and Departments to protect workers from potential lawsuits from plantation employers over the proposed increased wages. President Wickremesinghe has instructed ...

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