eLanka UK

eLanka UK | University of Moratuwa Inaugural Lecture Series



University of Moratuwa’s recently-initiated Inaugural Lecture Series brings out newly-appointed professors to the public view. The objective being to communicate and inspire with their research and societal impact and further with the intention of generating more interaction and positive connectivity.

The inaugural lecture represents a significant milestone in a university academic’s career when one observes the practice elsewhere. The event celebrates their promotion to the rank of Professor or other Professorship at the University. University of Moratuwa, Faculty of Graduate Studies is hosting the event as a public event – with the current restrictions in place. As a hybrid event anyone who is interested can join in and celebrate a career in research as one prepares for even more contribution subsequently. The inaugural lecture will offer both in-person and virtual access through Zoom and Facebook Live.

The third lecture in the series is by Professor Kumari Gamage of Department of Civil Engineering who is also the present Director of University of Moratuwa Career Guidance Unit.  She will speak on ‘Restoration of Infrastructures: Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites and Technology’. It will be held on 15 July at 4 p.m.

Zoom link: https://learn.zoom.us/j/61587457677?pwd=WlBrVWpiOWxvOVJaVE5QbmFXQjFPUT09

Meeting ID: 615 8745 7677

Passcode: 3rdILS@4pm


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